Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Blog #11

Eight weeks ago, I was looking at my subculture from an outsider’s point of view. I had many stereotypes and preconceptions towards Lafollette dining, but once I actually started working at the Buffet, I became to see the Buffet from a different perspective. I found that the more I worked the more I became part of the subculture. Up till now, I have been able to develop personal relationships with most of the employees and I have developed a good idea of how things work. Not only from working there, but also from the interviews I have conducted with some of the employees, surveys that I have sent out, and many of observations.

The main theme that I have noticed based on my research is that many of the food service workers who work at a particular college started working in the food industry because of its convenience, benefits, hours, etc. After, surveying forty of Lafollette’s employees, I have found the same results. No one responded that they were doing the job because they were considering working as a food service employee for their future career. Even after one of my interviews, the main reason for working at Ball State was because of its benefits and free tuition. This was the most common theme I have found, but it is certainly not one I plan on using for my mini-ethnography.

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